Monday, August 23, 2010

Leona Lewis is the party after the show

Despite their rare shows in some parts of the circuit, the time of the Bleeding Love singer in the spotlight, when the paparazzi caught Joy Matthew Morrison star.

Herve Leger Rock Trot purple headband came to Leona Lewis to town, without her boyfriend Lou Al-Shamaa, a party with the girls instead.

The 25 was A & R to see his girlfriend of seven years, the bust of 19 tracks at London's O2 Arena.

Like Leona Lewis, 25, enjoyed the spoils of concern was Morrison, who caused a paparazzi scrum in the Fedora straw.

Morrison is known for his role as coach of the club is known known Schuester the American musical.

A child is not invited to the festival was definitely Jack Tweed Jade Goodys widow, who was dismissed by the gorilla.